About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal publishes research and applied articles from all areas of Electronic Commerce. The journal encourages manuscript submissions from authors all over the world. Articles in the International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies will include, but are not limited to the following areas:

Applications and Empirical Studies, including

-Prediction/information markets
-Experience with e-commerce systems and markets
-Economic approaches to spam control
-Pricing for quality of service
-Web analysis and characterization for e-commerce
-Open access publishing
-User contributed content
-Economics of online textual content
-Behavioral and experimental economics related to e-commerce

Theory and Foundations, including

-Computational aspects of economics, game theory, finance, and voting
-Automated mechanism design, including computational pricing
-Algorithmic mechanism design
-Auction and negotiation technology
-Formation of supply chains, coalitions, and virtual enterprises
-Agency and contract theory in e-commerce
-Game-theoretic aspects of network formation on the Internet
-Preferences and decision theory
-Economics of information

Internet Marketing and Advertising, including

-Internet Advertising
-Internet Bankinng
-Online Community
-Online Consumer Behavior
-Online Retailing
-Online Marketing Research
-Online Marketing Management and Strategies
-Service Science on Internet
-Trust on the Net

Peer Review Process

Before submitting the manuscript, the authors should have their papers proofread for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the papers.
The IJECS is a double-blind referred academic journal. Each manuscript would be reviewed by the editor for general suitability. If it is judged suitable, a double-blind review process takes place. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editor then decides whether the article should be acceptable.
The evaluation period is short. Usually we evaluate manuscript within two months or less. Please remind us if you do not receive the review results after two months.

It is requested that authors should have their paper checked with a native English speaker colleague or professional for English syntax, grammar, etc before submission. Manuscript with serious writing problems cannot be accepted, or would not be reviewed.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


The IJECS is a double-blind referred academic journal for all fields of Electronic Ecommerce.

Journal History

IJECS is indexed or abstracted in:

  • Engineering Village (EI)-GEOBASE (since 2013)
  • ProQuest: Computer Science Collection; Technology Collection;  Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection. (Since 2012)
  • EBSCO host (since middle 2013)
  • Australian Research Council Journal List (since 2012)
  • Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management
  • Ulrich's periodicals directory
  • Electronic Journals Library