Understanding foreign students’ continuance intention toward mobile telecommunication service: an integrative theoretical model
Mobile telecommunication service provider, continuance intention, theory of planned behavior (TPB), expectancy disconfirmation model (EDM), foreigner in TaiwanAbstract
Mobile telecommunications service providers are facing greater pressure to increase continuance intention among their customers. At the same time, the number of foreign students studying Mandarin in Taiwan is increasing. However, there is no research on and discussion of factors affecting these students’ continuance intention in Taiwan’s mobile telecommunications industry. This study therefore uses the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the expectancy disconfirmation model (EDM) to explain the factors affecting foreign students’ intention to continue using mobile telecommunications services. A web-based questionnaire survey is used to collect the primary data, and structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the proposed research model. The empirical results find that the three constructs of TPB (i.e. attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) and the satisfaction construct of EDM have a significant and positive impact on foreign students’ continuance intention toward mobile telecommunications services. This study will enable Taiwan’s mobile telecommunications companies to adjust their marketing strategies to increase foreign students’ continuance intention.
To cite this document: Chia-Lin Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Lin, Mei-Fang Chen, and Kamaporn Suraphatchara, " UNDERSTANDING FOREIGN STUDENTS’ CONTINUANCE INTENTION TOWARD MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE: AN INTEGRATED THEORETICAL MODEL ", International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol.9, No.2, pp.93-118, 2018.
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