Factors Affecting Mobile Shoppers’ Continuation Intention of Coffee Shop Online Store: A Perspective on Consumer Tolerance
Mobile Shopping Continuance, Expectation-Confirmation Model, Consumer Tolerance, Mobile Shoppers, Shopping WebsiteAbstract
Previous studies have shown that mobile shoppers’ continuation intention is highly related with whether consumer expectations are confirmed or not. This study demonstrates that the variables related with mobile shopping continuation are navigability, information quality, security, fluency, visual appeal, and reputation, which then can be categorized into three groups as structural, functional, and representational constructs. Building on the perspective of consumer tolerance, mobile shoppers with different shopping orientations are categorized into three groups based on their level of tolerance towards proposed website constructs. The findings indicate that mobile shoppers with utilitarian-orientation will tolerate performance of representational aspects of the coffee shop website, while mobile shoppers with hedonic-orientation will tolerate performance of functional aspects. Our findings provide valuable insight to the owners of coffee shops with online stores to better maintain and apply their budget while developing online stores.
To cite this document: Chien-Wen Chen and Serhan Demirci, "Factors Affecting Mobile Shoppers’ Continuation Intention of Coffee Shop Online Store: A Perspective on Consumer Tolerance", International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol.10, No.2, pp.203-238, 2019.
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