
  • Jungwon Lee Korea University
  • Okkyung Jung Korea University
  • Ohsung Kim Korea University
  • Yunhye Lee Korea University
  • Cheol Park Korea University



e-Commerce, Website Feature, Product Involvement, Online Shopping Mall, Online Experience


As the proportion of online shopping in the retail industry increases, studies on the effects of online shopping mall characteristics have been actively reported. However, research on the effects of new website features in the Web 2.0 environment and factors that moderate these effects is scarce. This study analyzed the relationship between website features and online shopping mall performance through hierarchical regression modeling by determining the features of 390 online shopping malls (e.g., decision aid, affiliate program, mobile app) and online shopping mall performance variables (i.e., revenue). The analysis results showed that most website functions have a positive effect on online shopping malls and that product videos and affiliate programs have different effects on online shopping mall performance depending on product involvement. Based on these results, practical implications were proposed.

Author Biographies

Jungwon Lee, Korea University

Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Corporate Management, Korea University in South Korea 

Lecturer, Dept. of Culture Management, Sungsim women's University in South Korea

Okkyung Jung, Korea University

Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Corporate Management

Korea University in South Korea

Lecturer, Youngjin University in South Korea 

Ohsung Kim, Korea University

Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Corporate Management

Korea University in South Korea 

Yunhye Lee, Korea University

Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Corporate Management

Korea University in South Korea 

Cheol Park, Korea University

Professor, College of Global Business at Korea University

Ph.D., MBA from Seoul National University

MA in Economics from Seoul National University in South Korea




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Business, management, and strategy issue for e-commerce