Electronic commerce: Overview of risk disturbing
"e-commerce risk assessment", " electronic commerce risk" and "e-commerce definition", “risk definition”Abstract
Electronic commerce is undergoing significant advances that make online purchases difficult to manage due to transaction complexity. The fact that e-commerce is a complex set of interrelated and interconnected transactions does not exclude risks. Basing on a literature review of 106 publications, this article identifies, analyzes and discusses the significant risks threatening e-commerce. This review allowed us to identify four major risks: environmental risks, operational risks, perceived risks and ultimately reverse logistics risks. Environmental risks are associated with all behaviors that are harmful to nature, such as, fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, and heavy use of packaging. Perceived risks are risks that are directly related to the buyer and can confuse the purchase decision. Operational risk arises from the flow of e-commerce logistics. And finally, the risk of reverse logistics when a customer returns a defective product. For this reason, security measures need to be taken to optimize these risks, maintain service performance, satisfy customers and respect the sustainability of the environment.
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