Determinants Impacting the Assimilation Stages of E-commerce in SMEs: A Modified TOE Framework


  • Mansoor Ahmad Jamia hamdard
  • Sadaf Siraj Jamia hamdard



E-commerce, Assimilation, adoption, SMEs, TOE Framework


This article aims to examine the factors affecting e-commerce assimilation in Indian SMEs. It proposes a research model based on the TOE framework that includes technological, organizational, environmental, and individual determinants of e-commerce adoption and assimilation. Based on survey data from 384 SMEs in North India, it is found that e-commerce adaptation is explained by TOEI determinants. The results show that Indian SMEs are adopting e-commerce, but most of them are not fully adapted to the final integration stage. Although all factors significantly influence the assimilation of SMEs, technological factors have emerged as the most influential predictors of e-commerce adoption among the other factors viz. Organizational, environmental, and individual compatibility in the technological context is directly related to e-commerce adaptation, while technological cost and perceived risk are the most inversely related important factors of e-commerce adaptation. This implies that managers, policymakers, and government should focus more on developing technical infrastructure and providing technical support to SMEs to promote e-commerce integration.

Author Biographies

Mansoor Ahmad, Jamia hamdard

Dr. Mansoor Ahmad works as Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, School of Management and Business Studies, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. He has done his Doctorate in Marketing from Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, and has a diverse experience in industry and academics. He has presented and published various research papers related to the technology adoption. His current research interests are e-commerce, small and medium enterprises, and technology adoption. He has worked in multiple esteemed organizations and having an experience of 10 years.

Sadaf Siraj, Jamia hamdard

Dr. Sadaf Siraj is senior Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, School of Management and Business Studies, Jamia Hamdard. She has a rich experience of 15 years in research, teaching and training. Having completed her doctoral thesis in the area of Rural Consumer Behaviour from Aligarh Muslim University, she has extensively presented and published various research papers related to rural buying behaviour, social media engagement, online consumer behaviour etc., in International Conferences and Journals of high repute Inderscience, Emerald etc. Her areas of interest include consumer behaviour, retail management, customer engagement, e-commerce and sustainable consumer behaviour.


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