A Systematic Literature Review of Electronic Money Research
electronic money, e-money, mobile money, m-money, digital money, electronic wallet, e-walletAbstract
The aim of this paper was to review original papers on electronic money adoption. The review was performed by following a systematic literature review whereas Prisma framework and VOSviewer were deployed. The data reviewed was based on the Scopus database published in journals. The keywords provided to the Scopus database system to search for the articles were: "Electronic Money OR E-Money OR Electronic Wallet OR E-Wallet OR Digital Money OR Financial Technology OR Fintech OR Electronic Payment OR Mobile Payment." These 168 original articles included the topic of interest published between 2012 and 2021. The findings show SEM is the most frequently used model validation method. UTAUT, UTAUT 2, extended UTAUT, TAM, and extended TAM are the common model used in describing intention behavior in using e-money.References
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