
  • Tamana Mominzada Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Mohd Zaidi Bin Abd Rozan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Najim Ahmad Aziz Kabul University



Gamification, E-Commerce, User Experience, Consequences


User experience is essential to any gamified domain that indicates how a person feels when interacting with the system. User experience is always considered to have definite consequences. In e-commerce, gamification is increasingly applied as a design strategy while improving various behavioral outcomes. This study explores the consequences of user experience and its role in a gamified e-commerce platform. Hence, a conceptual model of user experience in a gamified e-commerce platform was proposed. The model aims at finding the effects of gamification on user experience and the consequences that arise. It was statically tested and validated through a quantitative research approach. An online survey questionnaire acted as the main instrument for data collection and subsequently utilizes the PLS-SEM method for analyses. The results indicate that in e-commerce, gamification affects user experience positively. This gamified user experience makes users satisfied and enhances their purchasing attitude. Users will develop a love for a particular brand and become a loyal customer to the products. They will also contribute to business growth by spreading positive word of mouth. Finally, the intention of users to engage with a platform is also improved.

Author Biographies

Tamana Mominzada, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Information Systems

Mohd Zaidi Bin Abd Rozan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Information Systems

Najim Ahmad Aziz, Kabul University

Information Technology


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Ethic and behavior issues for e-commerce