A comparative study between mobile and paper coupons





Mobile & paper coupon, trust, effort, money priming


This study attempts to examine the differences in consumers’ perceptions between paper and mobile coupons. It discovers new potentials of mobile coupons by investigating whether coupon type (mobile vs. paper) has any impact on a consumer’s coupon usage intention. It explores the drivers and barriers of consumers’ coupon usage intention and also examines to which extent coupon type translates into higher usage intention rates. The data of this study were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis, t-test, and multiple regression analysis. This study revealed that when the coupon type changes from paper to mobile, people’s coupon intention to use decreases, with the lack of trust as the primary barrier. The current study is the first attempt to apply this transactional utility theory to compare consumers’ perceptions between mobile and paper coupons. This study has empowered the transactional utility theory by applying it in a new domain of couponing.

Author Biography

Mohammad Hasan Galib, Tennessee State University

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

College of Business


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