The Impact of Brand Equity, E-Brand Experience, and Web Entertainment Toward E-Satisfaction and E-Loyalty on Marketplace
Brand Equity, Web Entertainment, E-Satisfaction, E-Loyalty, Millenial Generation, MarketplaceAbstract
The recent development of internet and technology has changed people’s perspective of online shopping. Consumers do not only use the marketplace to purchase but also to compare price, quality, benefit, features, or after-sales services that are provided by a company. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of brand equity, e-brand experience, and web entertainment on consumer satisfaction and loyalty. This research is a quantitative study that uses the Structural Equation Model method, data processing and analysis using SPSS 24 and Lisrel 88 software. The respondents in this research are the millennial generation in Indonesia, where 207 respondents have filled questionnaire that is distributed online through Google Forms. The result of this study indicates that perceived quality, brand association, e-brand experience, and web entertainment variables have an effect on e-satisfaction variable, while brand awareness variable has no effect on e-satisfaction variable. E-satisfaction variable has a strong impact on e-loyalty variable in the marketplace. The managerial implication that can be given from this research to marketplace management in Indonesia are by improving the quality, level of entertainment, and performance of the marketplace to increase consumer satisfaction. This consumer satisfaction will lead to increased consumer loyalty to the marketplace they use.References
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