Social Media Interaction, Brand Engagement, Awareness and Image of a Well-known Traditional Chinese Pastry Shop During Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Ai Chin Thoo Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Kai Ying Yap Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • See Pheng Hang Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Hon Tat Huam Putra Business School, Universiti Putra Malaysia



Social media interaction, brand awareness, brand engagement, brand image, traditional Chinese pastry


Covid-19 has a wide range of effects on e-commerce and technology. The crisis has forced some retail stores to stop operating. During the pandemic, the use of e-commerce and online retail applications is increased significantly. This trend has triggered the social media as one of the effective marketing channels to communicate brand-related information by stimulating brand engagement and brand knowledge among consumers. In this case study, a traditional Chinese pastry shop is facing the problems like low brand awareness and brand image due to limited social media interaction. Before designing a comprehensive social marketing plan for the traditional Chinese pastry shop, this study firstly examined the factors that influence the brand awareness and brand image of pastry shops in general. A quantitative method using surveys was distributed via Google form. Purposive sampling technique was used, and data was collected from respondents who are using social media platforms as interaction with others in Malaysia to buy pastry products. The total usable data for the study is 169. The findings show that there are positive and significant relationships between social media interaction, customer brand engagement, brand awareness and brand image. Marketing strategies were conducted on the Facebook page of the traditional Chinese pastry shop for 2 months and the social media strategies successfully and effectively increased the brand awareness and brand image of the company. In short, social media interaction is the best-implemented strategy in the development of brand awareness and brand image for the traditional Chinese pastry shop. Therefore, this study has provided deeper insight into social media interaction for retailing industry to enhance the brand awareness and brand image.

Author Biography

Ai Chin Thoo, Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Thoo Ai Chin obtained her PhD in Supply Chain Management from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She is an Associate Professor and Research Manager in Azman Hashim International Business School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Before beginning her career in academic world, she was a material planner in Flextronics Technology (M) Sdn Bhd for 2 years. Further, she pursued her career in Philips Electronics Singapore as Supply Chain Officer for another 2 years. Her passions include developing students’ talents, consultation, teaching, publications and community engagement works. Her research interests include supply chain management, green supply chain management, logistics and green logistics, marketing, consumer behavior, entrepreneurship and customer relationship management.


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